How Pass Time in an Airport


While you're waiting to board your plane, you might wonder how to pass time in an airport. There are many ways to keep yourself busy. Check out these ideas: Get some work done, talk to someone, read a book, or go for a walk. Whatever you choose, these ideas will help you pass the time while you're waiting. Here are a few of the most popular options:

Meeting people

One of the best ways to kill time in the airport is to meet strangers. Airports attract lots of people, many of whom will have similar interests. Taking advantage of this opportunity will allow you to keep yourself entertained during the long flight. If you can't meet anyone in person, you can always arrange a meet-up with someone else. Jumia Travel is a top online travel agency. These people will make your waiting time more bearable by sharing their interests.

Another great way to meet people at the airport is to play a game. Most airports have bookstores where you can buy a book, or you can bring a board game with you. There are also many portable card games available to play. You can also knit or crochet if you want to keep your hands busy. In some airports, you can even meet people from your own company. This way, you can help others while you're waiting.

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Many travelers find that reading is a good way to kill time in an airport. Whether you prefer to read an interesting book or a trashy magazine, reading can distract you from the pains of a delayed flight. If you don't feel like reading a book, you can check out a free magazine stand at the airport lounge. It may be a fun way to kill time. But be warned: reading isn't the only way to pass time in an airport.

You can also people watch at the airport. You'll get to see lots of people and can even make up stories about them in your head. You can also try reading a new book or magazine. You can even take advantage of the airport's many bookstores and newsagents to pass time while you wait for your flight. Whatever you do, don't let the hours fly by! You can use the time to relax.

Taking a walk

You can find many ways to pass the time at an airport. First, if you have time, try getting up and moving around. Aside from the usual food court and duty free shops, airports also have amazing art installations. If you're unable to leave your seat, you can try a workout video on your phone or take a full-on yoga class. The airport may seem chaotic, but it's actually one of the best ways to kill time while traveling.

You can also try a leisurely walk in the airport. Airports can be very large, with dozens of shops and terminals. A walk around the airport can give you an opportunity to take in your 10,000 steps, or even catch up on your favorite book. If you are not into walking, you can opt to take a nap in the waiting room or visit the massage parlor. Alternatively, you can try a relaxing massage.

Playing games

While you are stuck at an airport because of a delay or flight cancellation, there are many ways to pass the time. There are several games that you can play in airports to keep yourself entertained and occupied. Here are a few ideas that you can try. In addition to playing your favorite game, you can also make your own board and substitute sights and sounds around the airport for numbers. It's a great game to play with kids or with friends.

Try playing classic games, such as cards and rock, paper, scissors. You'll need plenty of people and space to play these games. You can also take along a crossword book to keep yourself occupied. There's no need to get bored with a book when you can play games on your phone. Even a simple board game like tic-tac-toe can keep you entertained.


If you're stuck in an airport with a long layover, shopping is a great way to kill time. Visiting airport shops is a great way to find souvenirs and toiletries for your trip, as well as gifts and toiletries for family and friends. Many airports feature different shops, so don't feel bad if you don't have time to browse through every shop. Check the airport's directory to find out what is available.

Another way to pass the time in an airport is to observe the people. You'll find a wide variety of people waiting in the airport, and you can often make up stories in your head about them. This is a fun activity, as you'll meet new people and pass the time. Buying a new pair of shoes is also a great way to pass time in an airport. Just remember to arrive at least two hours before your flight, and you'll be glad you did.


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